Paint and Coatings Industry Standards

C209-13 Cold-Applied Tape Coatings for the Exterior of Special Sections, Connections, and Fittings for Steel Water Pipe

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Revision Date:
Updated On: October 22, 2013
Editorial Change:
This standard covers protective exterior coatings that consist of cold-applied primers and prefabricated tapes and their applications to special sections, connections, and fittings to be used with underground and underwater steel water pipelines protected with organic coatings, such as those covered by ANSI/AWWA C203, ANSI/AWWA C210, ANSI/AWWA C213, ANSI/AWWA C214, ANSI/AWWA C215, and ANSI/AWWA C216. Such primers and tapes are not intended for use with exposed steel joints or sections of steel pipe where coatings of cement mortar or concrete have been applied directly onto the bare steel pipe. Tape coatings conforming to this standard may be field or shop applied. All AWWA steel pipe coating standards are written for and based on the service temperature of potable water. Cold-applied tape coatings have performed at higher than normal service temperatures of potable water systems. This standard does not cover the additional materials and procedures that may be required for difficult conditions, such as those encountered in construction of some submarine pipelines, casing pipe, river crossings, and pipelines that are in exceptionally rocky areas. Also, it is not intended to cover conditions of extended exposures aboveground after application. The purpose of this standard is to provide purchasers, manufacturers, constructors, and applicators with the minimum performance requirements for cold-applied tape coatings, including material, application, testing, marking, and packaging requirements.

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